We Will Stop at Nothing
If you haven't read the original post about the Cody Banks action figure, you can find it in the February archives--just do a search on "Worldwide Scoop."CPT Chris Mcnair is a DQ reader who was recently rotated stateside (congratulations). He's an Army Reserve Public Affairs Officer, and thus has frequent dealings with the press. He sent me this story:
The night before I left Kuwait, the Spec Ops Cody story broke. The Associated Press stringer in Kuwait, a total ditz, called about it. This is the reporter who, if a story broke on Monday morning at 8, would call Tuesday at lunchtime to find out about it. She called and wanted to know how the terrorists got the action figure since it was designed for the Kuwait PX two years ago. I told her that the doll had been in production for two years and that they could have gotten it anywhere. They could have gotten it off of Ebay. She asked if the Army was going to investigate it. I told her there were no plans to investigate it at the time. She kept on and kept on. Finally, I said, "We will stop at nothing to reunite Special Ops Cody with his unit."
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