Monday, April 03, 2006


From Next Gen
Retail reports are suggesting that Wal-Mart may be about to quit the UMD movie market, following a downward trend in sales. Hollywood studios are abandoning the format.

...One unnamed president of a major studio is quoted as saying, "No one's watching movies on PSP. It's a game player, period."

Universal Studios Home Entertainment has ceased UMD production. One exec told Reuters, "Sales are near zilch. It's another Sony bomb."

Damn. Do you think Sony in their wildest nightmares could imagine that the UMD movie format would flush itself AND the PSP would be seriously lacking in compelling content A YEAR after release?

Think about it: the PSP is puking, the PS3 is out there somewhere (probably 2007 in the U.S.), and Blu-Ray is just a competing format that's still unreleased. Oh, and there's that whole rootkit problem with DRM on CD's.

Talk about getting hammered.

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