
Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Gloria bought a honeydew melon and used one of those little scoops to make melon balls.

"Daddy, can you BELIEVE that this melon looks like little balls?" Eli 4.9 asked.

"Or shrunken human heads," I said.

"It does NOT look like shrunken human heads," Gloria said.

"But how would you KNOW it didn't look like shrunken human heads? Unless--you'd actually SEEN a shrunken human head!" I said.

"Aggghhhh!" said Eli 4.9. "Mommy, you saw a shrunken human head!"

"I did not," Gloria said. "Your daddy is insane. Eat your melon."

"Honey, have you ever bought one of the special scoops with the president's faces?" I asked.


"I saw one once with Abraham Lincoln," I said. "You scooped out the melon and you could see his face."

"No way, Daddy," Eli said.

"Sure," I said. "You can buy Lincoln, or Washington, or Roosevelt. Franklin Delano, not Teddy."

"There is no way I'm going to believe you," Gloria said, which means you can't possibly be telling the truth--or could you?

"They have Jefferson, too. If you buy all four, you can make a little Mt. Rushmore of melon balls."