
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Science Links

Two interesting links from Slashdot today. First, DARPA announced the third grand challenge today, and it's in an urban environment this time. From the DARPA website: Teams will compete to build an autonomous vehicle able to complete a 60-mile urban course safely in less than 6 hours.

Here's a link to the challenge website:
DARPA Grand Challenge.

Hopefully DQ reader and future Nobel Prize winner Brian Pilnick will weigh in on some of the unique challenges of using autonomous vehicles in an urban environment.

Next is a story about Greenpeace using drop cameras capable of reaching depths of a thousand meters. That could result in some pretty incredible photographs. Here's a link to the Greenpeace page as well as a video about the ship that will be using these cameras. Very interesting stuff.
Ocean Defenders.

Finally, here's a link from DQ Technology Correspondent Geoff Engelstein to a story about water moving--uphill. Here's an excerpt:
Physicists have made water run uphill quite literally under its own steam.

The droplets propel themselves over metal sheets scored with a carefully designed array of grooves.

There's a very cool video at the story link as well:
Water Running Uphill.