
Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Week

I'll be gone this week, but no worries: if you want to drop by every day and ruin your productivity, I'll still be live on tape, so to speak. I've written a ton of content and it will be posted daily. And if I get a chance to write up anything while we're in Los Angeles, that will get posted as well.

I'm very much a routine person. The only thing better than routine for me is--more routine. So who knows how I'm going to handle this trip, but as far as this space goes, it will be free business as usual. The only difference for you guys is that I won't have access to e-mail this week.

As far as E3 goes, the worst place to cover E3 is from E3. Seriously. The signal-to-noise ratio, already very low in gaming news, plummets to infinitesimal levels. For me, it's the most difficult time of the year to cover gaming, because E3 is 99% certified smoke up your ass. Just think of it as a three-day, giant preview. They should call it E3: The Theoretical Fantastic.

Journalism at E3: zero, unless you take it out to six decimal places. Every "scoop" is simultaneously released to three hundred people at once. So I'm not going to cover E3 in any conventional way (not that I ever have). I'd bore you to death.

Not that I don't bore you (and myself) to death already. But I'll find something to write about that isn't already on fifty other sites.

I hope.