Based on your application e-mails, we've adopted quite a few countries.Officially adopted: the Netherlands. Seriously, has there even been a more beautifully evocative, game-like name for a country? Plus, you (collectively) submitted several excellent applications. And how could anyone not love those fans?
Unofficially adopted:
--the entire continent of Africa, excluding Algeria (they're in the same group as the U.S.). In particular, the Ivory Coast, thanks to Didier Drogba, who is 100% awesome.
--New Zealand and Honduras. Honduras qualified in the last five seconds of the qualifying round, basically, on a goal by the U.S. against Costa Rico. And in the funniest line from all the e-mails you sent me, a New Zealand resident, in asking for support, said it was so unlikely his team qualified that he was still considering the possibility that it was an elaborate hoax.
--Japan, although at this point I believe I've forgotten why.
Onward, teams we support!
P.S. this is sheer, unabridged genius (thanks Mike Gilbert): LEGO World Cup Highlights.
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