Friday Links!
Leading off, a slew of excellent links from Michael M. First, and this is spectacular, it's Exclusive: Inside the Lego Factory. Next, and this is very cool, it's Crossword Puzzle Maker. Next a science site--for kids--and it's terrific (here's an example): Stem cells: The secret to change. One more, and it's fascinating: While Pigs May Never Fly, Squids Sure Do!From Sirius, and this is excellent: The True Shape of Snowflakes. Next, a most unusual fire that wasn't as unusual as it seemed: The Fortean Vodka. Next, and these are quite beautiful, it's Droplet Collisions at 5000fps - The Slow Mo Guys. Finally, and this is quite droll, it's How Fast Does the Grim Reaper Walk?.
From Brad Brasfield, and this is simply amazing: A general technique for automating NES games (seriously, you need to watch the video and listen to the explanation).
From The Edwin Garcia Links Machine, and this is lovely, it's Alchemy: A Beautiful Time-Lapse Video About the Ever-Changing Nature of Earth. Also, and this is the best story about art you'll read this month (at least): Black Gold: Thar's Oil in Them Thar Hills. Also, and this is a bizarre story, it's Weird 1972 Experiment In Marijuana Use.
From David, and these images are spectacular, it's Phenomenal Photos of Japan's Recent Volcano Eruption.
From Steven Davis, and this is a remarkable piece of technology: Touchscreen interface for seamless data transfer between the real and virtual world.
From C. Lee, and these are fascinating looks at the history referenced in BioShock Infinite: A BioShock Infinite Primer, plus A BioShock Infinite Primer: Pt. II.
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