Friday Links!
A little light this week in numbers, but the quality is strong.From Eric Higgins-Freese, and this is amazing: Chandra Sky Map: Visualizing the X-ray Universe. Also, and this is just as amazing, it's What is the Higgs?
From Paul Adams, and I hope Eli 12.2 can do this someday: In the Gym With Brandon Todd, 5'5" Dunking Machine.
From C. Lee, and it's a fascinating article, it's Sony’s Lost Generation Risks Push to Restore Walkman Mojo. Also, and this is fantastic, an interview with Neil Sheehan about the writing of A Bright and Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam.
From The Edwin Garcia Links Machine, and this is excellent, it's Characters, Symbols and the Unicode Miracle. Also, and this is a remarkable story, it's The Great Library at Alexandria was destroyed by budget cuts, not fire. Next, and this is a nice insight into history, it's The Memo That Spawned Microsoft Research—Analysis and Download.
From Steven Davis, and this sounds fantastic: Book Review: Beautiful Lego.
Here's a fantastic series of images: The Amazing Chalk Art of Japanese Classrooms. Also, a look back in time at the debunking of spiritualism: Tech Magazines Used to Expose Psychics, Astrologers, and Other Frauds.
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