Leading off this week, from Matt Kreuch, and this is an unbelievable link. It's a compilation of bands performing at South by Southwest, either as single mp3s, one big download, or via streaming (which is how I'm listening to it right now). Here you go: The Austin 100: A SXSW 2014 Mix.
From The Edwin Garcia Links Machine, and this is a stunning video, it's Ukiyoe Heroes (20) : Proof printing 'Yokai Dracul'. Next, and this is entirely bizarre, it's The business of bleeding horseshoe crabs. Next, and hold on to your hat, it's Inventor who shocked tech world stumped by 43-year patent delay.
From Sirius, and these are just wonderful, it's Extraordinary Brick Sculptures by Brad Spencer. Next, and this is amazing, it's Door at Pura Lempuyang (Temple of 1000 Steps), Bali.
From DQ Worldwide Cycling Trip Correspondent Doug Walsh, and this is amazing, it's Massive Avalanche above Stevens Pass - Avalanche Control.
From C. Lee, and this is a tremendous article, it's Lockheed's Senior Peg: The Forgotten Stealth Bomber.
From Wallace, and even as ads, these are excellent: Honda Builds on ‘Cogs,’ Sweeps Up at Auto Ad of the Year Awards.
From Robert Nicewander, and this is an absolutely incredible video of skydivers and colliding planes: Alive.
From Eric Higgins-Freese, and if you ever wondered what a galaxy looked like while it was undergoing ram pressure stripping, then take a look: Zooming in on ESO 137-001. Also, and this is fantastic, it's This interactive graphic shows you how big our solar system really is.
From DQ Reader My Wife, and this was one of my favorite movies ever, it's This List Goes to 11!: Eleven Trends Predicted by 'This is Spinal Tap'.
From DQ Reader Me, a couple of links to wind up the week. First, if you want to see the next Sidney Crosby (not kidding), go watch this fellow: This Is Why Connor McDavid Is Hockey's Next Big Thing. Finally, these are entirely beautiful: 13 Gorgeous Travel Posters From 1930s Japan.