Sports Real and Virtual
Sunday almost broke me.Two hours of tennis in what felt like a swamp, then hitting golf balls later. This was after playing tennis and golf the day before, and my body said "No, sir," quite firmly.
It was all worth it, though.
I know that we don't have that many weekends left, because this time next year, Eli 17.1 will be in college or playing juniors.
So we finished off the weekend playing 9 holes of best ball (by shot) this morning, and shot +2, which is easily the best we've ever done.
"Okay, if we're hitting two shots from the same place on every shot, then we need to hit them at the SAME TIME," I said.
Eli burst out laughing.
"Double the excitement," I said. "Checking to see if either ball is heading toward the hole."
I didn't persuade him, but I will next time.
Oh, and we thought for two hours on Friday that he'd broken his forearm, which was exciting in not a good way. He was in a lesson, taking shots from a guy who played in the AHL last season, and the arm sleeve on his chest protector rode up just a little and he took a shot off his forearm.
X-ray was negative, though (man, it was swollen), and he's like me--if the x-ray is negative, it's a clean bill of health, not matter how much it hurts. High pain tolerance family.
In between various exhaustions, I played a fair amount of Golf Club 2019, and I can safely say now that it's the best mouse swing ever included in a golf game (and I've played every single one of them). It models swing tempo unbelievably well, and every single shot is modeled more accurately than in the previous iteration.
I finished the tour and got promoted to the PGA tour, where I'm a scrub (on Hard difficulty). My most serious complaint is that the fairway/green/green speed conditions have been the same for all seven events I've played (6 on the tour, and 1 PGA). It would be so easy to set up a percentage chance for various conditions based on region and time of year that it seems like a major miss by the developers (who have been so smart about so many things).
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