Friday Links!
I found this mesmerizing: The Dreams Of A Man Asleep For Three Weeks. Also, and this is sad but very on point: How Much Longer Will Baseball Stadiums Be For Baseball Fans? This is astonishing: There’s this new 4K Falcon 9 video you probably want to watch. This is fascinating: The Worst Disease Ever Recorded.From C. Lee, and this is an excellent read: How Designers Engineer Luck Into Video Games, I still remember that smell: Who Still Buys Wite-Out, and Why? This is quite interesting: Mercury Is Actually the Closest Planet to Every Other Planet. Not surprising: Amazon gets an edge with its secret squad of PhD economists.
From Wally, and it's a long list: Apps Killed By Google.
From Maxime Tremblay, and Canada is so remarkably clever: AS-02 Various Administrative Wizardry Positions - INVENTORY.
From Meg McReynolds, and this is an excellent way to end the week: Rowan Atkinson & Hugh Laurie - Shakespeare and Hamlet.
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