Monday, May 06, 2019

7-10 Split

We were watching a professional bowling something or other. One of the bowlers was nicknamed "Squirrel."

"There are two people in squirrel suits," I said.

"I saw them," Eli 17. 9 said. "What's up with that?"

"What are the odds that two women in a small city in Maine happen to have squirrel suits?"

"Basically zero," Eli said.

"So that means the PBA has two squirrel suits in a trunk that they haul from event to event," I said.

"Pretty crazy either way," Eli said. "This crowd is pretty wild, really."

"Bowling fans or paid crisis actors?" I asked.

"Is there a difference?" Eli asked.

Then they showed this (please note squirrel costumes upper left):

"Wait, isn't that just best two out of three?" I asked. "Do we need a points system for this?"

Apparently, the "roll-off" may involve dark magic. You can't be too careful.

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