Tuesday, June 21, 2022


Eli 20.10 made it to Bogota (an 11-hour flight from London) and he started work today. 

For the first time in his life, he's experiencing what it's like to be a minority. A minority of one, in this case, at least so far. Which is a good experience for everyone to have in their life.

I'm going to be seriously stressed out, because Bogota can be very dangerous at times, but given what he wants to do in his life, this is where he learns. Focusing on post-conflict consensus building is inherently going to put him in places I'd rather he not go. 

To matter, though, you have to do things that matter, and I'm not sure anyone understands that better than he does. 

Here are a couple of pictures:

Both of these photos blow me away. The lights in the top right of the first image are from a famous church (with a very famous hike to get up to it), and the colors in the second image are so beautiful.

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