Thursday, October 12, 2023

Friday Links!


From Wally, and I respect his commitment to the bit: Things that are hard to do on the treadmill. This is long but interesting (if you're into wargaming): Taming the boardgame collection

From Meg McReynolds, and it's a terrific read: Bad Manors: The McMansion as harbinger of the American apocalypse

From C. Lee, and what a senseless tragedy: Where Ukraine’s army of amputees go to repair their lives. There's much more of this than people realize: Can you melt eggs? Quora’s AI says “yes,” and Google is sharing the result. In Finland, surprisingly: These Prisoners Are Training AI. This is just the beginning: I Didn’t Know My Broker Was a Bot. Terrifying: The Gruesome Story of How Neuralink's Monkeys Actually Died. Crazed little bastards: They kill their own parents, children and neighbours. Now life is even worse for the vicious alpine marmot. This is promising: ‘We are just getting started’: the plastic-eating bacteria that could change the world. Still an absolute classic: The Space Between Two Worlds: How Music Shaped Cowboy Bebop

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