Thursday, October 26, 2023

Friday Links!

We're loaded up this week.

From Meg McReynolds, and it's unfortunately necessary advice in many places in the U.S. now: this is how you can protect your local library

From Wally, and it's so bizarre: This man drives a burger to work. I can't even describe how crazy this is: 'Missing X-wing' from 'Star Wars' 1977 auctioned for $3.13M. Hugo award winners: 2023 Hugo Award Winners

From Kevin W., and it's the strange story of a crime game being stolen: Tiny Epic Crimes

From John D., and this should be quite the unboxing video, so to speak: Philly thief steals a shop-vac filled with hundreds of giant hornets

From Ken P., and it's an excellent read: The surprisingly subtle ways Microsoft Word has changed how we use language. Next, and I'm skeptical, it's Major Study Claims to Identify The Root Cause of Obesity: Fructose. Hopefully slower than my left rear tire: There appears to be a slow leak in Earth's core, scientists say. This is terrifically clever: Dev sets up “goatse” trap for sites that steal his free web game. This is outstanding: Revolutionary Bionic Hand Fuses With Woman's Bones, Muscles, And Nerves. Unfortunate: Mazda’s DMCA takedown kills a hobbyist’s smart car API tool

From C. Lee, and it's ridiculous: Pfizer hikes price of COVID antiviral Paxlovid from $530 to nearly $1,400. This is also ridiculous: Nebraska governor’s remarks about Chinese reporter spark outrage. Might want to put some guardrails in place, Amazon: Amazon Let Its Driver's Urine Be Sold as Energy Drink. It's on onslaught: Google-hosted malvertising leads to fake Keepass site that looks genuine. I'm sure you'll be able to buy this in at Wal-Mart /s: Japan’s Railgun Performs First Test Firing At Sea. A fantastic read: The Twisty Tale of the BBC Show Supposedly So Terrifying That It Was Destroyed. An excellent series of interesting articles/videos (the technical process is staggering): 
Creating the Theme | Radiophonic Workshop | Doctor Who
1965: How DELIA DERBYSHIRE made the DOCTOR WHO theme
Delia Derbyshire

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