Thursday, November 16, 2023

Friday Links!

Leading off this week, one of the greatest bits of archaeological detective work I've ever seen: Mummified baboons point to the direction of the fabled land of Punt

From David Gloier, and it's amazing: Endangered egg-laying mammal seen for the first time in over 60 years

I admire the commitment if not the book choice: ‘It never ends’: the book club that spent 28 years reading Finnegans Wake

This is a clever idea: Uncovering the secret to a 20% return? A trading bot that tracks politicians' trades

From Wally, and I had no idea (and if you're wondering, the extra month was going to be called "Sol"): The world very nearly adopted a calendar with 13 months of 28 days, These numbers are depressing, and explain so much: What are the book-owning and book-reading habits of Americans? Such a strange story: Warner Bros. Reverses Course on ‘Coyote vs. Acme’ After Filmmakers Rebel. I really hoped this would be great: Starfield's been left out to dry at The Game Awards—and even dedicated fans are 'not terribly surprised'. Some very eerie circumstances: Shock of the old: eight abandoned and appalling theme parks

From C. Lee, and it's terrifying: What History Didn’t Tell Us about the Nazi “Super Baby” Breeding Program. Tantalizing research: Blocking ‘Jumping Genes’ Could Drastically Increase Our Lifespan, New Research Shows. Pathetic: Brave browser’s free Leo AI dodges questions about the 2020 election. This so resembles the tobacco industry: How the fossil-fuel lobby weaponized Julia Child’s gas stove. An excellent visualizer: Visualizing All the World’s Carbon Emissions by Country. A fantastic read: A History of Japanese Train Evolution. Look out, bedazzlers! Don’t put that rhinestone emblem on your car’s steering wheel, US regulators say.

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