Thursday, January 04, 2024

Brownian Motion

Brownian motion is the random motion of particles suspended in a fluid (a liquid or a gas) resulting from their collision with the fast-moving atoms or molecules in the gas or liquid.

Someone described their goal for 2024 as reducing the amount of Brownian motion in their life.

That was incredibly helpful, because I feel the same way about my thinking. I want to reduce the scattering of my thoughts and become significantly more focused.

To help me do that, I'm trying something new. I'm going to stay off the Internet on alternate days, with as few exceptions as possible. 

I tried it today, and the effect was substantial. Instead of spending 10 minutes on hour scanning news, etc., I just didn't. It felt very calming, and I was able to work through a long list of tasks because there were no interruptions. 

The problem when I'm reading news every hour or so, especially political news, is that I feel responsible in a way I can't explain. It's not my fault that the country has millions of people worshipping a madman, but somehow it feels like it. 

Believing that, though, doesn't make a substantive difference in anyone's life but mine. It's a trap. So I'm trying to reduce the anxiety, particularly in an election year.

I'll let you know if this continues to have a positive effect.

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