Friday, August 11, 2006

Neill Blomkamp

I would normally never talk about a movie based on a video game, but this is an exception.

It was announced on Wednesday that Neill Blomkamp is going to direct the Halo movie. He created and directed Alive in Joburg, which is a stunning short film (you can see it here). Alive in Joburg is more thoughtful and thought-provoking in six minutes than most full-length films I've seen in the last ten years. He also created a memorable one minute short called Tetra Vaal, and you can see it here.

Kotaku posted a link today to an interview Blomkamp did with Aint It Cool News and here's a link.

Blomkamp has a unique and vivid vision of the future, and anything he's directing (even a movie based on a video game) has an enormous amount of potential. And Peter Jackson has some stones for taking a chance on Blomkamp when he's never directed a feature-length film before.

I've written about this before, but this is another example of how the Internet has exponentially expanded the ability of all of us to find real talent. Make a short film today and put it up for download. You don't have to screw with film festivals and people with agendas and all that industry bullshit. If it's good, people will find it.

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