Space Rangers 2 Stuff
First off: way to go, you guys. GoGamer's home page now lists Space Rangers DVD Edition at the top of its "Best Selling PC Games Section." Maybe the game will now start getting some of the attention that it so richly deserves.Second, for our Australian readers, here are a couple of places in your country that are selling the game:
Apparently, the second link is for a CD version of the game, which I assume will not contain the original Space Rangers (which is included for free on the DVD edition). That's not confirmed--it's not actually in-stock yet at Games Warehouse--but the product listing does read "CD-ROM."
Third, I'm going to have to study how quotation marks are used when they're being used for something other than dialogue. I am all over the freaking place with where I put them. That's not related to Space Rangers 2, just if you're an English teacher and you're alarmed, I'll get it all sorted out.
Here's one note about character creation in Space Rangers 2 from DQ reader Tim Lesnick:
One other tip for people starting a Space Rangers 2 game: be sure to change the default starting equipment on the character creation screen. I believe a spare engine and fuel tank are the default, but those items are generally not much better than what is already on the ship, and a player can (and should) quickly get better components in the course of the game. I generally change those items to weapons - the rocket launcher and tretone are good choices. Both are relatively small in size and will be useful for a while. The tretone also doesn't appear in equipment shops until some time has passed.
That's solid advice.
I can also highly recommend the Faeyans as an excellent choice for your character's race if you'd like to start out with a focus on trading. It's also possible to change your race mid-game (another great design feature), although it will take a large amount of cash and a visit to a Pirate base.
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