Thursday, January 05, 2006

Off the Beaten Path

Two notes about interesting games came out in the last couple of weeks and got lost in the holiday madness.

First, Introversion (makers of the brilliant Darwinia) announced a new title called DEFCON. Here's an excerpt from Evil Avatar
The new game, titled DEFCON, is a multiplayer strategy which pitches two players against one another in a game of Global Thermonuclear War.

In DEFCON a player must manage their launch silos in an attempt to defend their major cities against nuclear attack while simultaneously launching their own attacks against the other player.

This title might pull me out of my multi-player cave and actually get me to play online. According to Introversion's website, the game will be released in April.

Second, incredibly, the conversion of Ultima V to the Dungeon Siege engine has been completed. Titled Ultima V: Lazarus, it's one of the most ambitious mod projects I've ever seen. There are still some bugs to be squashed, which the 1.2 patch (expected in 3-5 weeks, according to the forums) should resolve. Regardless, though, it's an astonishing mod and these guys deserve a ton of credit. Here's a link to their site:

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