Monday, April 02, 2007

The Prank

I have allegedly been involved in some elaborate pranks over the years on April Fool's Day. Allegedly.

On Saturday morning, Gloria attempted (with Eli's help) to convince me that the plasma television was broken.

For Gloria, there were two problems with trying this. One, it didn't work. Two, it made me start thinking about prank revenge.

I'm writing this on Sunday around 1 p.m., and if everything goes well, Gloria is going to get very, very pranked around 5:30 p.m. today. And I'm going to write it up like a cliffhanger, so I'll tell you what we're planning to do in this post, then later I'll tell you how it all worked out.

Here's the setup.

Gloria loves her new RAV 4. Loves it. It's "Barcelona Red" because red is Eli 5.8's favorite color.

This afternoon about 4:30, I'm going to take Eli to get Gloria's "consolation gift." Her mom used to get her and her brother consolation gifts when it was the other's birthday, and I always thought that was really nice, so we still do it today.

We're going to tell her it's something very, very special involving her car, and that we need to drive her car for the trip.

This will make her very, very nervous. I also plan to tell her it's "the best idea we've ever had." The amount of sheer panic that statement will create cannot be overstated.

Two blocks away, we're going to park in the driveway of his best friend, Anna. Then we're pulling out some tubes of Crayola (washable) finger paint, which are a remarkable match for Barcelona red.

Then we're going to paint her rims red.

I've tested this on my car and it looks fantastic. From a few feet away, you can tell its paint, but from ten feet, it looks like a custom rim.


So we're going to paint the rims, wait a little while for them to dry, and then drive back home, parking across the foot of the driveway. Her first look will be from about fifteen away, at the top of the driveway.

We're telling her that Eli loves red so much that we thought the car would look great with red rims, and it only cost us $600 because we traded in her rims.

What I really like about this prank is that she's somehow going to have to keep her composure and make nice about red freaking rims on her car because Eli will be standing there.

Like I said, it's happening later this afternoon, and I'll write up another post later to let you know how we did.

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