Friday Links!
Leading off this week, from Jonathan Arnold, and what a read: MAN VS. MACHINE THE TRUE STORY OF AN EX-COP’S WAR ON LIE DETECTORS.Next, and this is a brilliant story that I highly recommend reading, it's A Long Walk's End: when fugitive James T. Hammes went on the run, he went for a hike.
Steven Davis had a ton of links later in the post, but this one deserves special consideration: What Happened After My Kidnapping.
This is a long, fantastic read: How (and Why) SpaceX Will Colonize Mars. Lots and lots of good history here.
From 3Suns, and this is just stunning: Scientists have programmed robots to build bridges without human help. Also, and this is sobering but not surprising, it's New: 87 Deceased NFL Players Test Positive for Brain Disease.
From Michael Gilbert, and this is tremendous: The High-Tech Toilet That Sank a Submarine. Also, and this is quite useful, it's Urinal Decisions. One more, and it's terrific: Nano Niagara Falls (Time-lapse, Tilt-shift, 4k).
From Craig Miller, and this is fantastic: To Scale: The Solar System.
From Steven Davis, and this is excellent: The Brilliant Doctor Behind My Favorite Obscure Website. Also, and this is fascinating, it's The 550,000 miles of undersea cables that power the internet. Next, and this is a wonderful article, it's Why the Best War Reporter in a Generation Had to Suddenly Stop. One more, and it's a bizarre optical illusion: The McCollough Effect. And even one more: The Ultimate Hybrid War Strategy: Attack Deep-Sea Fiber-Optic Cables.
From The Edwin Garcia Links Machine, and this is terrific: The Hardest chess problem in the world?
From C. Lee, and this is an utterly fascinating story: Brazil's Cancer Curse.
From Joshua Buergel, and this is sheer insanity: Kenny Belaey's Balance.
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