Friday Links!
From Wally, and wow, this is amazing: Rise Of LETRONS (Official Video). Next, and this is excellent, it's The Illyrian alphabet that wasn’t: how two centuries of European printers circulated an imaginary Balkan script. This is going to be a big deal, and soon: Some Like It Bot: Algorithms are getting better at entertaining us.From C. Lee, and this is a terrific interview: The Feeling of Cinematic Beauty Shunji Iwai. Next, a fascinating story: D-day landings put at risk by double-agent's homesick wife. This is simply incredible: New “Artificial Synapse” Gets Closer to Mimicking Brain Connections. Next, and this is fascinating: The ugly truth behind those “cute baby bird” Internet memes: Birds are buying alligator protection using baby bird sacrifice. This is an absolutely fantastic read: Why so many of America’s sushi restaurants are owned by Chinese immigrants.
From Griffin Cheng, and now we all know: Speaking "Star Trek": Meet the Man Who Made Up the Klingon Language. Also, and I guessed this correctly, it's What Is Shakespeare’s Most Popular Play? Next, and this is quite interesting: Debunking the Myth of the ‘Real’ Robinson Crusoe.
From 3Suns, and this is so bizarre: A Health Benefit of Roller Coasters.
From Steven Davis, and these are amazing images: A “Quick Perspective” on the Scale of the Manmade and Natural Marvels That Surround Us. Next, and this is an absolutely fascinating article, it's High Hitler: how Nazi drug abuse steered the course of history.
From Meg McReynolds, and this is a magnificent piece of writing: BUFFALO: ALSO KNOWN AS THE AMERICAN BISON.
From David Yellope, and this is remarkable: Greenland's receding icecap to expose top-secret US nuclear project.
From Bryan B., and this is quite a story: Mystery man who turned in 9/11 flag steps forward, explains.
From Rob Funk, and this is excellent: The spy who liked me: Britain’s changing secret service.
From Eric Higgins-Freese, and this is entirely fun: MLB's code is clear: Flip your bat and you'll pay. But in South Korea, flips are an art.
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