Friday Links!
This is a magnificently written story: Deliverance from 27,000 feet.The article title says it all: Fascinating Map Shows How Long It Takes to Learn Different Languages.
From Meg McReynolds, and I thought guys like this were just an urban legend: The Tiger Oil Memos.
From Steven Davis, and I had no idea: The Story behind the Most Reproduced Artwork of All Time. This is amazing: An astonishing old calculator - Numberphile. Stunning and bizarre: A 17-Story Dragon Climbs Thailand’s Pink 80-Meter Buddhist Temple.
From C. Lee, and this is not surprising: Size does matter: wine glasses are seven times larger than they used to be. This is fascinating: The part of my dad that dementia can't take. Incredible: How Just Two Drops of Organic Mercury Can Destroy Your Brain. This is wonderful: Gabriel Garcia Marquez's archive freely available online. Ah, he used to be so brilliant: War Stories: Lord British created an ecology for Ultima Online, but no one saw it.
From Wally, and some of these are priceless: 8 Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know About Your Favorite Holiday Music. Here's a deep dive: Check out the most popular delivery orders in NYC this year.
From Chris Meadowcroft, and this is mesmerizing: The rates of traffic flow on different kinds of 4-way intersections. This is the best: Was Mister Rogers the Best Neighbor Ever?
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