Friday Links!
This is a gripping and magnificently written article: The White Darkness: A solitary journey across Antarctica.From Chris M, and this is remarkable: Engineering Marvel of the Winter Olympics: A Broom.
From Geoff Engelstein, and this is entirely fantastic: This 19-year-old Kiwi farmer accidentally became a character in a US board game.
From Wally, and this is very interesting: The bread that changed how the Irish eat breakfast. This is terrific: The Pinball Doctors: The Last Arcade Technicians in NYC. This is a remarkable story: A Bomber’s First and Last Mission. This is incredible: The Marksman Who Refused to Shoot George Washington. This is incredibly cool: My crazy kid jumping on his buddy’s ice covered trampoline. This is certainly creative: Best pirate I've ever seen.
From Michael M., and this is quite a story: Tractor Hacking: The Farmers Breaking Big Tech's Repair Monopoly.
From C. Lee, and this is a terrific read: The Sixth Stage of Grief Is Retro-computing. This is excellent: The Argument Against Quantum Computers. Incredible: Heart Stents Are Useless for Most Stable Patients. They’re Still Widely Used.
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