Friday Links!
From Wally, and this is thoughtful reflection: The Father Of The Internet Sees His Invention Reflected Back Through A 'Black Mirror'. This is lovely: In Germany, the world's most romantic postbox. This is both remarkable and bizarre: DIY dot matrix pencil printer.From Guy Byars, and I've never heard of Crokinole, but it looks like fun: We're Mesmerized By This Incredibly Close Game Of Crokinole.
Dubious Quality Super Genius Garret Rempel sent in links to two of the most astounding skating performances in history. Words fail me.
Brasseur & Eisler: Patricia The Stripper
1992 Olympics EX - Isabelle Brasseur/Lloyd Eisler
From C. Lee, and this is a thoughtful and thought-provoking read: What to say when you meet the Angel of Death at a party. Boy, what a surprise: England and US will not take Pisa tests in tolerance. A very odd idea: I Snuggled With This Robot Cat and It Didn't Scratch Me Once. This is an insightful look into indie development: How the Sausage gets made (aka "where the @$%^ is DQII"). This is terrific: You Should Thank Maurice Hilleman for Helping You Live Past the Age of 10.
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