Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Case For the Humble Blueberry

For my money, the blueberry is the best fruit. Consider the following:
1. No butt-sniffing needed.
You have to sniff a cantaloupe's butt to tell if it's ripe. Pineapples? Sniff away. Note that you can't do any of this while wearing a mask. Blueberries? No sniffing necessary.

2. No visual assessment.
Want some ripe strawberries? Good luck with that. Strawberries don't ripen after they're picked, so if you find ripe ones, they're right on the edge of being too right. Also, you'll never bet a package that has all ripe strawberries inside. Blueberries? Man, blueberries are ready to go, and if you put them in the fridge, they last a long time. 

3. No cleaver needed.
Pineapples? Sure, they're delicious. Better get out that cleaver you killed Uncle Jerry with (reminder: lay that new layer of concrete down in the shed). Or maybe you get a fruit that has some huge-ass seed inside that makes the edible part look like the potato chips inside a giant bag. 

An official exception is granted for the avocado. 

Blueberries? They're all food. Maybe once every three pints you get a stem or two, but that's it. 

4. Appealing form factor
Don't want to slice and dice your fruit? Neither do I. Blueberries? They have a bite-sized form factor that is absolutely perfect for any mouth.

Overwhelming evidence in favor of the blueberry, I believe.

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