Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Solitaire like it's 1899

I went to Accuweather last week to get information on Hurricane Ian. 

I think it was Accuweather. It could have possible been Weather.com. I'm almost sure it was Accuweather, though.  [editor's note: this debate continues inside my head forever. Probably Accuweather, though.]

On the storm information page, there was a link at the bottom saying you could play solitaire and get updating weather information at the same time. Hmm, that sounded interesting, I thought. 

Here's what I was greeted with: 

The control strip for my phone's volume is on the left (sorry). The game screen, though, took me back thirty years. Maybe further, because the original Windows solitaire in 1990 looked significantly nicer than this!

Geocities? Compuserve? I'm not even sure that's the right comparison. 

Definitely EGA, though. Unreal.

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