Thursday, March 16, 2023

Friday Links!

This is fantastic: The Deep Sea. I had absolutely no idea: Mona Lisa v ‘the monstrous’: the grotesque, shocking side of Leonardo da Vinci.

From C. Lee, and it's a terrific read: Explainer: Number Representations in Computer Hardware. A frightening trend: Revealed: the US is averaging one chemical accident every two days. This is incredibly concerning: Artificial turf potentially linked to cancer deaths of six Phillies ball players – report. Bizarre: Medieval medicine: the return to maggots and leeches to treat ailments. "Move fast and make crap" it should say: Your stuff is actually worse now. This is a fantastic Twitter thread: Escaping Into or Through Science Fiction. Yes: Excuseflation

From Wally, and don't ask where I am: The 4 (actually 5) levels of tool organization. An interesting read on writing: Words that don’t belong. This is long but quite funny: This. was. CHAOS. - AMD $5,000 Ultimate Tech Upgrade

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