Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Mexico (part 6)

The shirt situation was becoming increasingly dire:

Based on current progression, by day 9 my torso would disappear entirely.

Also, the fumigator who came to la casa oscura de los insectos (the dark house of insects) said there were no bedbugs, just mosquitoes, but C went to the doctor ($5, and entirely qualified), who was 90% sure it was bedbug bites.

Today was the day to go to Gran Museo del Mundo Maya. Here's what it looks like as you're walking up:

Pretty funky, and it's designed to look like a sacred ceiba tree, which unites the three levels of the Mayan universe (sky, earth, underworld). 

Again, the clear level of advancement of Mayan technology and culture was on prominent display. Here are pictures:

If you were wondering (from yesterday's post) why the Mayan written language hasn't been entirely deciphered yet, here's why: 

Here's a close-up of a goal from the Mayan Ballgame: 

It was all spectacular, particularly considering we'd just visited the pyramids the day before. 

Here's a video of the museum, narrated by a very likeable fellow:
Touring Mexico's Largest Maya Museum 🕺🏽 Mérida's Gran Museo del Mundo Maya 🌴 Mexico Travel Vlog.

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