Tuesday, December 10, 2024


I have to confess that "We hate the healthcare system so let's kill a guy" isn't tracking with me.

The healthcare system in this country is despicable. A for-profit system incentivizes cruelty instead of service. And United Healthcare was, by far the worst, with a claim rejection almost three times the industry average (which is unacceptably high already). Monsters, really.

The way to fix the healthcare system, though, doesn't start with killing a CEO. It starts with electing people who want to do something about it. We didn't do that. We elected people at every level that will do nothing but encourage higher profits without any consideration at all for the patients.

This guy shouldn't be lionized. He wasn't Jason Bourne. He was so drunk on his fame that he strolled into a McDonald's hoping (I believe) that someone would recognize him. He fancied himself a folk hero instead of a murderer.

It's a sad story from every dimension. No one struck a blow for anything. Even if he gets a hung jury, which is a definite possibility, does anyone think the healthcare industry will somehow become more humane? Executives will just hire security details and remain as anonymous as possible.

Vote for people who will do something. 

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