Monday, June 27, 2005


I've seen some interesting links courtesy of Gametab (indispensable) today. If you've never used Gametab, it's brilliant and you can find it here: (

Over at eToyChest they have a visual comparison of screenshots from the Xbox and Xbox360 versions of Tiger Woods 2006. The differences are tremendous and you can see them here:

Penny Arcade is almost always funny, but today it's particularly so:

The trailer for Fatal Frame III (the successor to one of the finest games ever made, Fatal Frame II) is available here:
The trailer is in Japanese, but it still conveys the unbelievable tension that defines the series. I've written about this several times, but if you haven't played Final Frame II, buy it, get a set of headphones, play it in a dark room, and you will never forget it.

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