Monday, July 11, 2005

Science Links

I read some very interesting articles in the last few days that I'd like to share with you.

The first is from Scientific American. It discusses how recent research seems to indicate that cognitive therapy has significant, positive results for helping children with ADHD, and in many cases it's more effective than medication. If you have kids, this article might interest you:

There's also an excellent article in the August 2005 issue of Discover magazine about string theory, written by Michio Kaku, who is one of its foremost proponents. If you've been interested in string theory but didn't really know where to get started, this is a very clear and concise introduction. The article is called "Testing String Theory." It's not available on their website, but I'll keep an out for it and post the link if it gets published online.

Lastly, in the August 2005 issue of Popular Science, there's an article about saving--believe it or not--the banana. Bananas have so little genetic diversity that one disease can destroy the world's supply over time. I didn't know this, but it's already happened once, when a fungus called "Panama disease" destroyed the banana known as the Gros Michel in the 1960's. Now we eat a banana known as the Cavendish, which is smaller and less tasty. It's an obscure but fascinating subject, and here's the link:,20967,1076199,00.html.

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