Pandora Update
Thanks to DQ reader Max Weinstein for this information:My understanding is that Pandora uses a very different form of matching than does LaunchCast. Whereas the latter uses the typical aggregated ratings system--lots of people who like song A also like song B--Pandora uses "musical DNA," a computerized analysis of the musical themes/styles in the songs. I think the latter would tend to open more doors, as it steers you away from what's popular and towards what's musically similar, regardless of popularity.
He's right. As an example, here's the explanation Pandora gives me for why they're playing the song I'm currently listening to:
Based on what you've told us so far, we're playing this track because it features mild rhythmic syncopation, mixed minor & major key tonality, electric guitar riffs, a dynamic female vocalist and a dynamic male vocalist.
The "ratio station" I created is based on the group Tribe, by the way, and they're who I'm writing about next.
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