Wednesday, March 07, 2007

More On Best Buy

You guys sent me a few e-mails about the Best Buy post, generally noting links to comments by Best Buy employees that the intranet wasn't for nefarious purposes at all--employees were just poorly-trained in how to switch over to the Internet site.

DQ reader Kevin also sent me this:
Just to let you know that Best Buy intranet thing can be used for good as well as evil. Specifically, they sometimes have items with in-store pricing that are cheaper than online but no stock on hand. So if you go into their store and access through one of their kiosks, you see the in-store pricing reflected and you can order items through their website (which often has things in stock that their stores don't) at the cheaper in store price. I've done it myself and was able to get several DVD sets for much cheaper than I could have otherwise.

That's very clever, by the way.

It may well turn out that Best Buy had no bad intentions. But what really started all this was the original denial by the company spokesman that the intranet site even existed. That denial was so clearly ridiculous that it immediately raised suspicions. And their apparently vague responses to the Connecticut State Attorney General aren't helping, either.

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