Monday, April 02, 2007

Rock Band

This wasn't unexpected, but it's pretty damn cool anyway. From USA Today (thanks Kotaku):
Guitar Hero was just the opening act. MTV and the developers of that video game have a headliner in the works called Rock Band, which lets four music lovers gig together in person or online.

Expected in stores for the year-end holidays, the Electronic Arts game (no price set) for the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3 will be played with four instrument-based video game controllers: two guitars (lead and bass), a drum kit and a microphone.

...Online connectivity is a key to the game. The developers envision additional songs for online purchase beyond those in the retail version. And players need not be together to jam. "You could have one guitarist in Germany and another one in Texas, a drummer in New York and a singer from somewhere else, and they can play together online," EA's David DeMartini says.

Notice how this game gets announced two days before the official release of Guitar Hero II for the 360. Not that there's a competition or anything.

Oh, and no more covers. The songs will all be the real recordings by the original artists.

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