Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Harmonix April Fool's and the Real Tribe

Harmonix put up a link in the Rock Band forums yesterday to a performance by Tribe on the Conan O'Brien show.

If you've been reading the blog for a while, you'll remember the posts I made about Tribe after the original Guitar Hero was released. Eric Brosius, Terry Barous (later Terry Brosius), and Greg LoPiccolo were all in the band, and it kicked ass. They were the "next big thing," but it never quite happened, and because it didn't, we wound up with Guitar Hero and Rock Band.

Or maybe someone else would have made Guitar Hero, anyway, but it wouldn't have been nearly as good.

So I'm one of those people who has the Tribe albums, thought they were great, and still regret that they didn't record more before they broke up. And I've never seen video of a live performance, so when I saw this link, and saw that they were performing Supercollider (which is a great song), I was psyched.

Except that it was an April Fool's joke. They did appear on the show, and they did sing the song, but the video was overdubbed to make the lyrics be totally nonsensical.

Well, shit. I really WANTED to see that clip.

That reminded me, though, that every few monts I'd put "Tribe band" or something like that into YouTube, hoping that someone had captured a video of them in the early nineties before they broke up. So I typed in "Tribe supercollider."

Jackpot. BIG HUGE jackpot.

Apparently, in early March, someone uploaded an entire concert from a club called "Avalon" in Boston. It was recorded on April 21, 1992, and there are NINE videos with a total running time of seventy-two minutes.

For someone taping from the audience, the quality of the video is decent, and it's freaking great to get to see them in concert. I'm smiling as I type this sentence, because I'm listening to them right now.

Like I said, if you want to hear them, just go to YouTube and search on "Tribe Supercollider." And maybe the Conan video with the real audio will pop up soon.

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