Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Noise cancellation: a golfer's approach

I was wearing my noise cancellation headphones as I wrote at the Gardens. This is what I always do. 

A very old fellow was sitting two booths away, looking at me. Then he stood up and walked over (I avoid this at all costs, generally). He pointed to my headphones, which I took off. "Noise cancellation headphones?" he asked. 

I took out my wireless, noise-cancellation earbuds. His face. Mind blown. 

It's like golf. You have different clubs for different types of shots. I'm the same way. 

Wireless noise-cancellation earbuds? Check. Noise-cancellation headphones that fit over the wireless earbuds comfortably? Check. Wireless noise-cancellation headphones to wear by themselves when the cafeteria is empty? Check. 

When you combine noise-cancellation earbuds with noise-cancellation headphones, you are in potent territory. A bomb could go off thirty feet away and I would only feel the concussion. I wouldn't hear a thing.

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