Thursday, February 27, 2020

I Wrote About This A While Back

The train is picking up speed: Robots Aren't Taking Our Jobs--They're Becoming Our Bosses.

This is going to be very tricky, in a political sense, because "Won't someone think of the middle managers?" is not going to be a rallying cry that resonates with anyone. 

What we have created is a "free enterprise" system that is unregulated to a degree that it has become highly predatory. That predatory environment has allowed companies to show no regard whatsoever for their employees well being or anything but corporate profits translated into higher stock prices. 

At the same time, the political groups pushing for this environment are also philosophically opposed to social programs as propping up "weak" people who lack the will to work. 

I don't know how this blows up, but it certainly looks like it will, at some point. It's not sustainable.

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