Thursday, December 17, 2020

Just No

 I am not making this up:

I quote: "For many Wisconsin families, raw meat sandwiches are a holiday tradition?"

Wisconsin, what kind of damn holiday are you having over there?

Also, Wisconsin, does everything need a garnish? Is the parsley really needed here?

When I was growing up, we had neighbors five houses down. Mary Neal was a very nice woman who had, once upon a time, been a carnie. 

Her husband, Eddie, had been a carnie, too. He always wore white athletic socks that came up halfway to his knee.

He told me some fascinating stories about the carnival while we were sitting on his porch in summer, listening to the Astros game while he drank beer from an aluminum can. 

What I remembered most about Mary, though, was that she liked to eat raw hamburger meat. Not a lot, mind you. She wasn't going Quarter Pounder on raw meat or anything. But she liked to have a bite or three before she made dinner, and she was delighted by how much it grossed me out. 

Even now, it grosses me out.

Do the right thing, Wisconsin. Put that meat in a damn skillet first. 

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