Thursday, February 02, 2023

Friday Links!

Leading off this week, another excellent article from Ars Technica: The generative AI revolution has begun—how did we get here?

This is a fantastic short video: Special effect techniques from the past.

Want to see a 27-minute video from Shonen Knife, the first (1981) Japanese pop punk band? You're in luck: Shonen Knife still pop-punk-rocking after 40 years

From C. Lee, and what a discouraging story (with a nice ending): Yale honors Black girl, nine, wrongly reported to police over insect project. This does not seem seaworthy: Royal Navy orders investigation into nuclear submarine ‘repaired with glue’

From Wally, and McSweeney's has it all figured out: How to Become a A Professional Writer. That didn't take long: D&D won’t change the OGL, handing fans and third-party publishers a massive victory. A cautionary tale about the need for a good building inspector when buying a house: Demo Discoveries - It Should Have Been a Tear Down...... Somehow, I'm not even surprised: Inside The Fascinating World Of Valley Of The Dawn, The UFO-Based Religion Founded By A Brazilian Truck Driver. More interesting developments: ChatGPT can’t be credited as an author, says world’s largest academic publisher.

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