Monday, May 08, 2023

The Pest Guy

I met the real-life equivalent of Super Dave Osborne today.

Super Dave (lots and lots of videos on YouTube) had a comedy show and his shtick was that he was a daredevil like Evel Knievel, but his stunts always caused horrifically exaggerated injuries (which is actually closer to Knievel than it would seem, but that's a different story). 

The pest guy, while we were chatting (as one does), said he was on a ladder a few months ago when it failed and he'd fallen (a long way, for it was an extensible ladder). He broke his back in multiple places, broke a rib, and punctured a lung. 

The doctors said he was one of the luckiest people they'd ever seen. He didn't need surgery, and he recovered in six weeks (the first four in bed). 

He fell through a floor during a construction project a few weeks before that, and also broke his hand by somehow stapling drywall or something (missed the drywall, hit his hand) during another construction project a few days before that. 

Every time he told one of these stories, he'd accompany it with the happiest, gustiest laugh you'd ever heard. He was positively jovial. 

If I ever break anything, I'll call and he can cheer me up by telling me about the time he fell off a skyscraper and landed in a cement mixer. 

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