Thursday, October 19, 2023

Friday Links!

Leading off this week, a deep dive into smoke and VOC removal: Air purifiers aren’t enough to clean your home from wildfire smoke.

A link from C. Lee (more from him later) that seems like the first edge of a wave: Japanese tea commercial actress created by AI, has some wondering if it’s the scandal-free future

There's so much irony here: ‘This was his revenge on art’: is Marcel Duchamp’s greatest work a fake?

From Wally, and I'm sorry we missed this: This FamilyMart in Shibuya has a hidden bar serving Japanese whisky and cocktails. This is funny (and short): everyone in mckinney is dead. A lengthy and excellent video: Old pinball machines are amazingly complex. I almost think we're to the point where Halloween has jumped the shark, which stinks, because it's my favorite holiday: When the Lights Come On (Asking Alexandria) 2023 Halloween Light and Fire Show.

From C. Lee, and it's an interesting read: Rich countries are importing a solution to their nursing shortages—and poor countries are paying the price. I wonder if this includes vaping (I'm guessing not): Smoking to be Banned Forever in the UK. A fascinating story: The Saga Behind America’s Giant Government Cheese Vaults. This is a terrific read: In ‘Prison Ramen,’ Author Gustavo Alvarez Wants to Put Inmates’ Culinary Ingenuity on Full Display. This will be outdated in a month, tops: How to Detect AI-Created Images. This is so wrong (and stupid, and gullible) in so many ways: TikTok Myth of the Week: ‘Bone Smashing’ Will Make You Beautiful. Conveniently following the previous link: How TikTok profits off dangerous health trends. This sounds excellent: A murdered Argentinian writer’s comic finds a new audience – and far-right haters

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