Monday, March 04, 2024

It Comes At You Fast

I talked to a realtor on Friday.

Eli 22.7 is ready to sell the house. It's not realistic to keep it, because even after he gets his doctorate, he won't be coming back to live here.

I've been winnowing down possessions for months, but I'm one person handling the stuff of three people. No matter how much progress I've made, it's still less than I wanted.

After an hour discussion with the realtor (who was excellent), we decided to list the house on April 29. She believes it will sell in less than two weeks (reasonable, for many reasons I won't list). Probably a thirty-day closing.

In other words, I'll need to be out of the house by early June.

I don't have any mixed feelings. I'll be very happy the day I lock the door and turn over the keys. It never felt quite right, and then it felt tragic after Gloria's death. 

It will be a relief to leave.

There are an inconceivable number of tasks to complete between now and then, but I was going to have to do them all, anyway. This just gets it done sooner.

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