Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Sitting in the Montreal Airport

It's planes, trains, and automobiles on the way back. A metro train (Montreal's mass transit is superb), a cab, a flight to Toronto, a flight to Windsor, and a drive across the border and back home. 

On the way to Montreal, it was automobiles and trains, because the flight out of Grand Rapids on Friday was a casualty of the CrowdStrike debacle. Getting there on Friday turned into waking up at 4:40 on Saturday, driving across the border at Detroit/Windsor (2.5 hour drive), then taking a 10-hour train ride to Montreal. 

There was no way to get a flight on Saturday. Sunday, at best, and even that wasn't guaranteed. 

It wasn't easy, and getting back doesn't look so easy, either. If absolutely everything goes right, we land in Windsor and retrieve the car around 8:30. We might be back home by 11:30, if--again--everything goes right. 

We've walked almost 30 miles in the last three days, so it's been Japan-level physical activity, which is good, because I started out with the right shoes this time.

I'll have more pictures tomorrow. Right now, I'm so tired my brain is barely even functioning.

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