Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Moving On

I saw an old video today--an Internet classic--of a parody version a Carol of the Belles, but with Burger King lyrics. It's incredibly stupid (even though Burger King actually used it in a commercial), but the longer it goes, the funnier it gets, for some reason. It's here: Burger King Christmas Carol Song

Sometimes things are so stupid they make you laugh. I put myself in that category.

There's one person I know who would absolutely get it: Potter. I went to college with him. We were friends all through college, even though I don't think we ever had one serious conversation. We got out of college and stayed friends, even though we weren't in touch very often.

I moved to Michigan and never heard from him again. This was after being friends for over thirty years.

I mean, I tried. I sent him multiple emails. I sent a holiday gift (we always did that, and they were always stupid) to his address, or what I thought was his address. I called and left a message several times.

I found out he'd moved, apparently to live with someone we also went to college with. She'd been with him the last time we had lunch together (which we did every few years).

It's not like it was some deep friendship, but it was enduring. We were both eccentric and had the same taste in humor (and usually music).

The friendship was a bank vault of memories.

So today, when I saw the video and immediately thought of him, it reminded me that friendships don't always last, even if you want them to.

Sometimes people move on.

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