Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Good Stuff

DQ reader Jason Maskell sent me a link to an absolutely fantastic article titled "A Game Business Model: Learning from Touring Bands." It's extremely thoughtful, very well-written, and should be read by everyone who is interested in games. Here's an opening excerpt:
Most metropolitan areas sport a wide array of bands that eke out a reasonable living by touring about the nearby countryside. At every stop, they get a bit of cash from the till, sell a handful of t-shirts and maybe even an album or two. If they are good, they build up a sizable population of groupies that worships the ground they walk on and follows them from show to show.

Very few people outside of the circle of fans know who these bands are. Yet the moderately successful bands make enough to get by and a few even manage to prosper. These bands do not sell a product like their mass market Brittany Spears brethren. Instead, they survive by providing a service to their devoted fan base.

Over the past several months I’ve been tracking several successful online game developers who operate in a similar fashion. Each operates profitably, employs a small staff and appears to be growing. Their names include Jagex, Iron Realms, Three Rings and Iron Will games. Chances are that you’ve never heard of them.

Great, great stuff, and it's an excellent read. Here's the link:

I'd very much like to hear from the independent developers who read the column to hear what you think about this article.

And anyone else who has thoughts about it, as always.

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