Friday, November 04, 2005

It Was An Uneventful Week

...and then I broke my toe.

Yes, that's what it's come to: cheap stunts to drive up page views. Next week I plan on tearing a rotator cuff.

Gloria rearranged the furniture in the living room on Wednesday. Actually, she didn't rearrange it so much as she moved it closer to the wall, creating a more narrow corridor for walking between the living room and my study.

Within fifteen minutes, I was walking back to my study, thinking about everything else but navigation, and smashed my little toe into a chair. Blinding pain. The usual comments about "I think I broke my $*#@# toe!"

Then it doubled in size and turned kind of black, and I thought "Hey--I DID break my $*$*@ toe."

So I went to the doctor this morning. He said "Looks broken to me. Doesn't really matter--treatment's the same whether it is or not." Strapped broken toe to the next toe, took all my money, and sent me on my way.

I had the pleasure of sitting next to Loud Page Turner Guy in the waiting room. I know you've heard him. He's the guy who gets out a magazine and does nothing but turn pages every five seconds, and he has some special technique that makes every page turning sound like a bear sitting on a gigantic bag of potato chips. Listening to him for an hour might have been worse than breaking my toe to start with.

If you have to break something, though, the little toe is just about the best possible choice. I still swam two thousand yards yesterday, I should be walking without pain in two weeks, and it's really not going to be that much of a hassle.

So, in a word: ouch.

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