Friday, December 02, 2005

Macy's Day Parade

We were all psyched up for the Macy's Day Parade last week. Personally, I'd rather be interrogated by the Stasi than watch a parade, but it's different with Eli 4.4. He really digs the giant balloons, and the parade was supposed to be broadcast in HD, so we taped it and planned on skipping the boring stuff.

Which turned out to be, unfortunately, the entire parade. NBC showed nothing but songs and dances and lobotomized parade commentary, basically, and we didn't even get it in HD. After about half an hour, Eli said "Daddy, this is boring. It's all singing and dancing and blah blah blah and yack yack yack."

The parade commentary was, as usual, riveting. Here's a Katie Couric excerpt:
Spongebob Squarepants is headed our way. Do you know that if Spongebob had to pee, the urinal would need to be over two stories high? The urinal cake alone would be the circumference of a hula hoop and weigh over twenty pounds.

I may have, um, paraphrased a bit.

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