Friday, December 02, 2005

We're Next

Remember the Allan Varney I linked to last week about corporations sponsoring MMORPG's?

Well, here it comes. Almost.

Dec. 5, 2005 issue - In "First Descent," a new snowboarding documentary that opens in limited release this week, mountains are everywhere. You'll have to look a little harder to spot the Mountain Dew.

But not too hard. Mountain Dew, after all, didn't just pay to have the soft drink in the movie. It financed the entire project, which follows five snowboarding icons. (A rep won't comment on the budget.) Experts call it "branded entertainment." How better to control screen time for a product?

I've heard of companies doing this before, but I think this film is a much more expensive attempt to blur the line between product marketing and filmmaking.

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